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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ben Cardin, top Dem on foreign relations committee, to vote no on Rex Tillerson

Sen. Ben Cardin, Maryland Democrat and ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced Monday he will not support the nomination of Rex Tillerson, who is President Trump’s pick to be the next secretary of state.

Mr. Cardin said that during his confirmation hearing, Mr. Tillerson “was unwilling to characterize Russia and Syria’s atrocities as war crimes, or Philippine President Duterte’s extrajudicial killings as gross human rights violations.”

“And he was not willing to dismiss with unqualified clarity a registry for any ethnic or religious group of Americans,” Mr. Cardin said.



  1. How about we the people vote NO to sen ben cardin. But this scum will probably hang it up next time around.

  2. Does anyone care what Ben Cardin thinks?

  3. Term limits have his name all over them.

  4. We the people already voted FOR him though. He represents the majority of Maryland. Don't like it? Get out. You're complaining about one of the more moderate blue dogs from the Dems. Get your head straight. This isn't a team sport.

    Tillerson is dangerous and in bed with Russia. He received a medal from the country! Is there no one sane in the GOP anymore?

  5. He's nothing but a "BedBug"....an embarrassment to the state of Maryland

  6. The line about the log in your own eye comes to mind.

  7. If Cardin is against him....Then I am 100% behind Tillerson {and Iv never even heard of him}

  8. Cardin is a complete ass a typical liberal!!!!!

  9. FACT...Ben Cardin has never held a real job in his life; he has suckled from the public teat his whole adult life.

    He was first elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 1967, before he even graduated from law school. He was elected to the "family seat" that his father had held for many years. From the House of Delegates he went on to the US House of Representatives and then to the US Senate. Why should anyone care about the opinions of a person who has no idea what the average person experiences in life and who doesn't care what happens to the average citizen?

  10. Cardin is just another typical Maryland Democrat who opposes everything Republicans do. The western shore and Baltimore elect him, not the eastern shore.

  11. 4:14

    "Tillerson is dangerous and in bed with Russia. He received a medal from the country! Is there no one sane in the GOP anymore?"

    What you say is completely untrue, but even if it was true. So what?

  12. The problem is liberal, idiot, Cardin has power. Drain the SWAMP!

  13. Ben, give it up. Your days are numbered. You would have difficulty getting elected in Princes Anne even if you put on Al Jolson makeup. You represent the OLD.

  14. When you write to Ben on your opinion on an issue, you get a latter basically telling you that he knows what's best for you, but thanks for your (ignored) opinion.

    EVERY time.

  15. 4:14
    We see you are still pissed that you and the fat lady lost.

  16. Alas, due to gerrymandering Cardin and his ilk are solid in the democratic left counties of Maryland. The eastern shore isn't big enough to oust him. Has he even been here? He is an empty suit and a waste of our time but again little we can do until he goes the way of Mukulski. At least Barbara had Wallops in her best interests.

  17. ho cares what Ben Cardin thinks? He cannot even answer his own e mails. He uses some entitled individual to answer with some uneducated response. His day is coming. As long as the entitled get their free ride they will vote for him


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