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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Baylor football responsible for 52 rapes by 31 players: lawsuit

The accusations against the Baylor football program reached a horrifying new level Friday when a former graduate student filed a lawsuit alleging 31 players were responsible for 52 incidents of rape, including five gang rapes, from 2011 to 2014, according to the Dallas Morning News.

At least two of the gang rapes involved 10 or more players at one time, the lawsuit claims.

The woman’s lawyers said they reached those figures based on an investigation into reports filed over the period of four years.

The numbers far surpass those offered by Baylor regents in a recent report published by the Wall Street Journal. Baylor officials said 17 women reported rapes committed by 19 players, including four gang rapes, since 2011.


1 comment:

  1. You should see the real facts from SU lacrosse and football players you think this is bad. You will see a great manipulation of reports and numbers.


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