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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Affordable Care Act repeal could cost Maryland well over $2 billion, report says

Efforts to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act could result in a financial impact for Maryland of over $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2018, and well over another $2 billion by fiscal year 2020, according to a new state report.

The state government's Department of Legislative Services published a report Tuesday on the impact of the ACA in Maryland, and how plans to revise or repeal it may impact the state's economy and health care systems.

The ACA, or "Obamacare," has been a topic of contention within state and federal governments over the past several months. Many Republicans have made attempts at ousting the law for years and Vice President-elect Mike Pence recently said that repealing and replacing the ACA would be the incoming administration's "first order of business." Meanwhile, many Democrats fear that such a move could leave more than 20 million Americans without health insurance.



  1. Ha Ha! Not Me! I moved OUT of MD!

  2. wow, you really need to read between the lines on this article.

    the only reason MD has less uninsured was expanding medicaid and federal money.
    the biggest question of the article is and was -
    "If enhanced federal funding is repealed, Maryland must decide whether to maintain and how to fund Medicaid expansion. The net cost to Maryland would be $1.27 billion in fiscal 2018, rising to $1.50 billion in fiscal 2022."

    and then you have these little tidbits -
    "Between 2014 and 2016, the average deductible per employee increased by 162.9 percent for single coverage and 156.4 percent for family coverage."
    "From 2014 to 2017, some mid-level plan premiums increased by 55 percent." (which is a lie, my premium doubled and my deductible was 5x as much)

    as usual, the only ones protesting are the ones who got it/get it free.
    those of us footing the bill or losing our coverage because we could not afford it are the only ones effected.

  3. If it cost in the billions Maryland should suck it up after all Md voted Obama in, Maryland voted strongly for Hilary, this state is always for those that take, do not represent Maryland well especially the Eastern Shore so go ahead and try and Make Obama Care Trumps error not our own. And this state has done nothing but whine since Hilary lost. Maybe you can send Hilary and Obama a nice Hallmark Card of thanks.

  4. "The state government's Department of Legislative Services.."

    That would likely be a bunch of Democrats, no? I'm sure that would influence the way they see this.

  5. If omally did nt have his head so far up obamas arse maybe we be in better shape? Omally was such a tard ramming his communist agenda down our throats with his anti gun anti middleclass anti freedom ideals

  6. first get rid of all illegals and then recalculate. second make all the lazy ones on public assistance get a job instead of being a con-artist stealing from tax payers then recalculate. Now tell me what the real cost will be. This is a challenge to all MD liberal dumbocRATS.

  7. I'm going to create my own "report" and it's going to be called Suck it up, Trump won and there's not a mutha f'n thing you whiners can do about it except make Kleenex rich by all the tears you babies will pour into their tissues.

  8. 5:51 PM thats not true at all. the only ones that voted for hillary was the baltimore district. all other areas were trump.

  9. Of course it will cost more to keep ACA, but they don't tell us that.

  10. It would be nice if all stories about this clarify health INSURANCE relative to health CARE. They are purposely word smithed to mislead the reader.

  11. why did they leave out praising Anthony Brown for his leadership in the who losing money thing?

  12. Medicaid is HARDER to obtain since the ACA was passed.Instead of dealing directly with social services,you have a third party (healthconnect)and you end up waiting forever to get enrolled once you apply.
    (45 days and waiting..)For someone with chronic diseases like myself,thats over a month with no prescription medications because I just cannot afford them.Also,before ACA, they deducted living expenses from your income to determine eligibility,now they do not.It's not as awesome as people say it is.They sold everyone a big lie.


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