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Monday, January 23, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Thin Blue Line In Ocean City

The "thin blue line" can be gotten around, if the city chooses. Here's my idea: the regs don't dictate what color the roadway has to be, so put a line of blue glasphalt under or between the yellow road markings. It will not only have the effect of the blue paint, but will have a reflective quality that brings the blue out.


  1. Perhaps they should send the federal bureaucrat who is all worked up about some blue paint between the yellow lines a screen shot of the blue line on Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C. It ran right past the reviewing stand at The White House! That should put a cork in their bottle!

    Nobody is suggesting replacing yellow or white lines for regular highway marking.

  2. Don't you just love how the fed takes our tax money and tells us what we can do on our state roads? Like the FTC telling us to change Giant to Acme.
    Here's a novel idea: completely turn tax collection on its head- charge a higher local tax, a middle state tax and a minimum federal tax. That way, state and local municipalities can pay for the services they want without having a Washington bureaucrat telling us how to lead our lives. The states and local municipalities would cover everything we need and the fed would cover defense, interstates, FBI and other interstate items.

  3. They won't do what you suggested Joe, because it makes sense.


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