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Friday, January 20, 2017

A message from OUR Sheriff...

It's 3AM, Friday, January 20th, 2016. Along with members of the Pittsburgh Police Department, we are being bused into downtown Washington D.C. for today's Presidential Inauguration. From their digital devices, those around me are watching indelible images of overnight rioting by those we will be confronting in the hours ahead.

We ride quietly, yet anxiously to an undisclosed location on Pennsylvania Avenue where we will remain until sometime Friday night. I'm so proud of the deputies who accompany me on this assignment. Each deputy knows the dangers that lie ahead, yet the enthusiasm in which they accept this particular detail demonstrates their commitment to our country's democracy.

The black bags strapped to our legs, opposite of our sidearms, contain gas masks that are a startling reminder of a country in turmoil. I'm not naive to believe today's swearing in of President-Elect Donald J. Trump will immediately reverse this tide. But, I can honestly say we welcome a much needed change in the highest office in the land.

This will likely be my last post of the day. When we chat again, we will do so knowing that we will have a Commander-in-Chief who respects the many sacrifices made by American Law Enforcement across this country everyday. And without the restoration of this law and order, as a society, we are destined for destruction.

God Bless America!!!!


  1. Thank you for your service! Thank you for protecting our country! What an honor! Stay safe out there!

  2. Hope everyone stays safe and out of harms way. Who knows what members of the crazy left might do!

  3. We salute you and thank you for upholding your OATH to the Constitution

  4. Well written. Proud they're representing my county!

  5. Love, love, love that new President supports law enforcement!

  6. Dear 8: 56
    You need a good a$$ kicking

  7. Amen! and prayers for your safe return.

  8. Thank you to you and your brothers in blue for your support and service to our country.

  9. Amen Mike Lewis and the others representing us thank you for your faith, honor and hard work. God Bless you.

  10. Mike is a drama queen. The man has never served in REAL combat in his life. Keep it real mini-man. It is not about you all the time. Mike The Hype. Hope you all return home unharmed. Act like you have done this before because most of you have. Tell Mike pull his skirt up !!!

  11. This happened a year ago?


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