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Friday, January 20, 2017

2nd California Student vows to remove penis if Trump builds wall

In a bizarre show of solidarity with fellow University of California student Seth Greenberg, Sophomore Jakob Connulson has also pledged to remove his penis if Trump adds any additional structure to the existing US-Mexico border wall. Apparently, Greenberg and Connulson are members of a private campus group known as the “Open Borders Friends,” described by one source as being a group of radical students who don’t believe in the validity of Sovereign states.

In a recent Open Borders Friends assembly, Greenberg invited other members to join him in taking a pledge to remove a bodily appendage if Trump strengthens the border wall. When asked why he would agree to this, and why he would also elect to remove his penis, Cunnulson stated “we all know Trump isn’t gonna do shit. He’s just a blowhard saying things to rile people up. Still, I stand with the Mexican people, and I am fully prepared to emasculate myself to prevent further separation between people in the US and in Mexico. As far as why I am choosing to remove my penis instead of maybe a finger, or a toe, I feel that the penis represents my anger about an oppressive male dominated culture, and I would be fine with not having one.”



  1. Thank go!. Then this idiot can't reproduce!

  2. He may as well remove it , it's obvious he no balls .

  3. This soon-to-be former dude needs some serious psychological therapy to think that cutting his junk off affects anyone other than himself, but I support it since I don't want such afflicted people reproducing anyway. What a time to be alive!

  4. It would please the rest of the world if they would also remove their testicles so that they don't procreate.

  5. Go ahead with er ,you most likely squat to pee now !

  6. I may be 'deplorable' but at least I am not a nut case like most of these liberals are proving to be!

  7. lol. I'd be fine with him not having a penis either. He apparently never had any testicles so what's the loss??

  8. Yeah, fine, do whatever. HOWEVER you WILL still use the mens room!

  9. Off with it then!!

  10. Just more BS, like all the 'CELEBRITIES" who are leaving the country because Trump is now president....

  11. Parents must be so proud. After the procedure instead of referring to him as Seth our son it will be Seth our eunuch.


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