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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Youth Risk Survey Questioned

SNOW HILL – The parent of an 11-year-old questioned the school system’s practice of surveying middle schoolers regarding sexual activity and drug use this week.

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Worcester County Board of Education, parent Christina Hulslander voiced concerns about the fact that the risk behavior assessment typically given to high school students has in recent years been administered to middle school students.

“I don’t have a problem with this being conducted at high schools,” she said. “They have the maturity to recognize this has value in data collection.”

Hulslander said that when she was notified that her daughter, a sixth-grade student, had been randomly selected to complete the survey, she opted out. Hulslander said she reviewed the survey online and did not like the way the questions, which address topics such as smoking, drug use and sexual activity, were asked. Hulslander said she was concerned that the questions about smoking for instance, could lead to a child wondering whether they should in fact try smoking since they were being asked about it.



  1. Just another intervention of Government into your private life and eliminating the Parents.

  2. No I think they're doing it because kids in middle AND elementary schools are doing drugs, smoking, having sex AMD babies! The government is NOT taking parenting choices away! She was offered tge opportunity to opt out,which she did! I know the government and schools are sooooo horrible, until you need them to feed tour kids, give health care to your kids, pay bills so your kids have a heat and a home, or Christmas presents...Seriously!

  3. do you believe any honesty exists?


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