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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Yes, She Indeed Made History...

A little reminder...

And most corrupt criminal presidential candidate in US History. Cry on, Snowflakes. Cry on. 

-- TC


  1. And they wonder WHY she Lost the election ...Dugh !!

    Any sensible , prudent , person , with any common sense,

    would not wonder why .....it's pretty obvious ...come on !!

  2. They were trying to convince the Trump voters to change their votes - and didn't bother to look at their own!

    I'm laughing at the superior intellect!

  3. She and Hitler would have got along just fine .....
    She has alot in common with him and Tojo ...!!!!

    Good thing she did Not get in Power .......!!!

  4. For Christmas, I would like to see the stinking failed candidate go in the background. I don't wish any harm, just get somewhere and cry to The Clinton Cartel.

  5. She needs to be indicted, convicted, and jailed.

  6. Hopefully an investigation WILL happen and I can't see how she can be declared innocent from all the noted obvious crimes, like destroying govt-owned e-mails and lying under oat to the FBI. Others have been charged with such acts and so should she!

  7. She should have been in prison long ago, hopefully she will make it there eventually.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She needs to be indicted, convicted, and jailed.

    December 20, 2016 at 3:09 PM

    Won't happen, won't happen, won't happen.

    She needs what happened to so many of her (their) associates. Suicide.

  9. The Blacks in Congress will Save her ,plus, Obama will
    Pardon her before he leaves .......just watch !

    Nothing will happen for the Clinton (Mafia) Foundation
    either......takes too much time....... all will be forgotton

  10. History was Made alright
    She and Bill made History by getting away with More Crime
    than anyone else in History , and will Never be held
    accountable for ANY of it....No Jail No Prison Period !!

    A movie should be made of them.. The Perfect Criminals!!

  11. Hopefully 6:52 is on track, but to the previous commenter, Obama can only pardon those convicted, and his power goes away on Jan. 20.

    Timing is everything!

  12. Teflon Clintons > should Thank DuPont !!

    Nothing Sticks .....works great !!!

  13. She is HISTORY ....Good by and Good Riddons !!!


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