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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Writer Claims ‘Drain the Swamp’ Is Racist

Ryan Lenz, a senior writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, suggested that Donald Trump’s “Drain the Swamp” slogan has racist connotations in an appearance Tuesday on CNN.

Host John Berman interviewed Lenz following a segment covering a conference held in Washington, D.C. over the weekend of a so-called alt-right group that supports white nationalist and Neo-Nazi views.

Lenz addressed a video that shows attendees at the gathering cheering the election of Donald Trump with chants similar to ones used by Nazis under Adolf Hitler’s rule. Lenz said that the president-Elect has not done enough to disavow such groups.

Berman then played a clip of Trump’s interview with 60 Minutes in which he told his supporters to not participate in any kind of violent or hateful acts.

“That’s a good message, yes, Ryan?” Berman asked.

“Yes, it’s a good message, but it doesn’t seem to have had any effect,” Lenz responded.

He went on to claim that Trump’s signature “Drain the Swamp” phrase has racist origins and served as a dog whistle to white supremacists.



  1. DC is built on a swamp dummy. The fact that This allegedly educated liberal d-bag doesnt know a thing about factual history is appalling.

  2. So Ryan, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree.
    Good luck to ya, sport!

  3. Perhaps they would prefer drain the cesspool?

  4. the swamp is no respecter of persons. it's NOT a racist comment. period.

  5. Not racist, just needs to be done.

  6. Pelosi, of all people, said the same thing years ago, but I'm sure that's fine. So tired of people who have no actual factual argument spitting out the word racist at every turn!

  7. 11:28 You are correct. It's like the Salisbury firehouse on Cypress St. was built on what was known as The Cranberry Bog. Former city engineer Pete Cooper advised years ago that the building would have to be built with driven pilings so it would float.

  8. And, another thing that is called "racist".

  9. "Drain The Swamp" is meant to be taken that the fattened reptiles and other political predators that have been there for decades will be looking for another home once the "draining" takes place. No special dispensation based on race should be allowed or even entertained.

    There will come a time soon when the race card becomes a Joker, not an Ace.

  10. Just because Mr. Trump is a high ranking Freemason, does not mean he is a Neo-Nazi! That is outrageous.

    Yes, the Nazis were masons.
    But that doesn't mean all masons are Nazis.


  11. The accusation of racism is a fascist.

  12. Twitter? Are you SERIOUS? I'm pretty sure "drain the swamp" was around at least a year before Twitter was invented, LOL! Where did this hack find his brain, the play dough fun factory?

    Oops, sorry, Play dough is probably racist, too!


  13. So is "Black Friday",

    people need to get a life.

  14. no doubt, black Friday is a racist term. it should be changed to African, white cracker friday


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