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Sunday, December 04, 2016

White House Warns Against Blaming Religion of Islam After Ohio State Attack

The Obama administration is warning Americans not to cast blame on Muslims after a student at Ohio State University launched an attack on innocent civilians that was likely inspired by Islamic State terrorists.

“Our response to this situation matters,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained to reporters during the press briefing. “If we respond to this situation by casting aspersions on millions of people that adhere to a particular religion or if we increase our suspicion of people who practice a particular religion, we are more likely going to contribute to acts of violence than we are to prevent them.”

Earnest said that although there was evidence that the attacker might have been inspired by extremism, his motives were still under investigation.

Law enforcement investigators have pinpointed the attacker as “likely inspired by ISIS” according to a CNN report release after the White House press briefing.



  1. Obama will do all he can to protect Muslims being he is one. He wears a Muslim ring on his ring finger that supposed to look like a wedding band.

  2. their warnings are amusing at best...it is what it is. period

  3. How many times do you get stuck with a porcupine quill before you decide he is a dangerous animal to pet?

  4. Excuse me, but who the hell else would be to blame?

  5. It is not a religion we are blaming; it is a belief that some people have in the cult of islam. Just look at their rag, the coran, it says its okay to "smite the infidel," an infidel being anyone who does not believe in their fake, phony frauds allah (the pagan, female, moon god) and mohamud, a false prophet. By the way, the word "infidel" is an English/Latin word, meaning an unbeliever of Christ, which mohamMUD stole, he being a thief, just one of his many criminal characteristics. By now you might be thinking, hum, that's harsh. Damn right it's harsh! Most politically incorrect truths are harsh.

  6. I've seen several articles that attempt to show the lack of prayer spaces and bigotry towards Islamic people at OSU were the reasons for the attacks. In other words, Western (Christian) oppression was at fault.

  7. Time for u to go away bo

  8. Obama is responsible for allowing infiltration of radical Islamists into our country. And our materialistic selfish society has allowed radical Muslim views to fester in the minds of some of our kids over the last decade or so. We're reaping what we've sown. Parents, tell your kids you love them, and then prove it by spending time with them and teaching them right from wrong.

  9. Let's blame the turd in chief himself for essentially allowing it to happen!

  10. That POS is a Muslim and HATES the US, when will you people understand he did his best to destroy this country.

  11. Islam is Tolerant
    of Other Religions
    The Myth:
    Religious minorities have flourished under Islam. Muslims are commanded to protect Jews and Christians (the People of the Book) and do no harm to them. In Sura 109, the Quran says, "To you, your religion. To me, mine."
    The Truth:
    Religious minorities have not “flourished” under Islam. In fact, they always dwindle to mere shadows after a few centuries of persecution and discrimination. Some were converted from their native religion by brute force, others under the agonizing strain of dhimmitude.

    What Muslims call “tolerance,” others correctly identify as institutionalized discrimination. The consignment of Jews and Christians to dhimmis under Islamic rule means that they are not allowed the same religious rights and freedoms as Muslims. They cannot share their faith, for example, or build houses of worship without permission.

  12. After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers. There are four Quranic verses in which "Allah" makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape.

    The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it order love in marriage (although it does say that "love" exists). The verses plainly say that husbands are “a degree above” their wives. The Hadith says that women are intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants.

  13. The crescent moon is the most common Islamic symbol. In fact, it is found on the top of every Muslim mosque around the world and on the flags of many Islamic nations. The crescent moon represents the god of Islam, Allah, who was the pagan moon deity of Mohammed's tribe, the Quraysh of Arabia. When Mohammed conquered Mecca in Saudi Arabia by force in 630 A.D. he destroyed all of the 360 pagan tribal deities in the Kaaba and set up his tribal deity, the moon god, Allah, as the chief deity of Arabia. Later, when he tried to convince the Jews and Christians of Arabia to worship Allah, they refused, knowing the true identity of Allah, and Mohammed then began his bloody conquest of the Arabian peninsula, slaughtering thousands by the sword, the very same Islamic sword.

  14. 7:41
    Plenty of rednecks beat their wives/girlfriends after drinking too many natural lights everyday.

  15. Dave T: Awe. Obozo taking up again for his beloved nation of islam. (deliberately not capitalized) Up yours clown ! Just a few more weeks and the gloves are coming off. We are coming for you, and it's not going to be pretty. The American people are not as weak and timid as you think they are. The only think you have done, is awaken a sleeping lion !

  16. We will all be relieved when this Muslim extremist loving administration is gone so we can begin protecting America again without being PC and worried about hurting someone's feelings. This administration has done a good job of ruining our culture as it existed.

  17. A point to ponder. Has anyone else ever wondered why so many convicts, especially blacks, convert to Islam while incarcerated?

    The worst terrorists are the ones living among us.


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