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Friday, December 02, 2016

WHAT! NY Medicaid To Cover Transgender Surgery For KIDS!

Why is it that the left have not only claimed science for their own purposes, but have even shaped sound reason to sound insane? When it comes to advancing their narrative, science and all it’s provable facts tends to get eliminated along with the unwanted babies…too much? Then blame the left, because that’s what they do.

One can’t help but notice that their ideology circumvents things like facts and reality on a regular basis. It’s like they can take a well known and proven fact gender, scramble the bits, and call it the opposite sex!…which brings us to this next mental wreck just waiting to happen.

Liberal New York is on the path to help transgender KIDS…By offering health coverage for ‘necessities’ such as, well I don’t know…boob jobs. Yes. Apparently changing the natural identity of a child is a healthy choice now, because no ethical surgeon that would perform an operation like this one because a patient wanted it.


But there’s more…get ready for New York to also introduce “vital care” for tiny trans tots…

Twelve states and Washington, D.C., cover transition-related health care under Medicaid for transgender people. In 2014, Oregon became the first state to cover puberty blockers for youths under Medicaid, and California’s also ordered to cover care related to gender transition.



  1. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this is even considered to be health care when the hard science isn't there to support it. There's soft science galore, but hard science? Just a spoonful.

  2. can we just send all these idiots from NY to California so that they are all in one place please?

  3. Yea here we go, this rates right up there with trapping cow farts.

  4. Un-natural is now considered natural in the new world order.
    Complete mind control.

  5. Then I want lipo covered to get rid of my manboobs!

    1. 5:44. That had me laughing out loud. 😭😭

  6. Child abuse by adults who should know better, pure and simple!

  7. 5:44 PM - It's covered by Medicare and Obamacare, but you have to have a lot of specific symptoms because of it, like recurring infection in the folds, etc.

  8. Transgenders and Homosexuality is a mental illness. This Medicaid thing should be charged with Insurance Fraud.


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