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Friday, December 02, 2016

Warren: 'We Are Not the Minority...We Are the Party of Opposition'

(CNSNews.com) - Asked if the recent election shows Democrats are out of touch, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) heatedly rejected the notion on Wednesday:

"Out of touch, when 2.3 million more people voted for the Democratic candidate than the Republican candidate?" Warren asked. "When the Democrats picked up seats in the Senate and the Republicans lost? When the Democrats picked up seats in the House of Representatives and the Republicans lost?

"You know, let's be clear," Warren told CNN's Anderson Cooper in a taped interview. "We are not the minority here. We are the party of opposition."



  1. Don't agree with her at all here. However, I will say she seems like a nice guy.

  2. Has anyone else noticed that this seems to be the year of upper level Democrats saying, "Let's be clear", followed by some confusing statement or other?

  3. Eh, there used to be such a thing as the loyal opposition. They could compromise and advance agendas that benefitted Americans rather than the donor class. I don't remember the last time we had a congress that operated that way. Probably before the Clinton administration. Nowadays we can only expect cooperation if there's a war bill or one that expands surveillence.

  4. We the people who elected Donald Trump are the party of opposition. We defeated the republicans, the democrats and the biased main stream media. Let freedom ring.

  5. Yes 11:56, I agree it would appear Elizabeth missed some dosages of her hormone medication. I guess we should give them a break as they are in such denial on the left. Hopefully by the next elections the likes of George Soros will be enjoying the dirt nap and his left wing oligarchy will finally rest in he** er I mean peace.

  6. Why isn't Elizabeth Warren at Stand Rock with "her people" protesting along with them.

  7. Her,Bernie and most of democrats can go to Cuba where they feel it's so great.

  8. 10:10 hit it right!

    Feauxahontas is a looonatic!


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