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Thursday, December 22, 2016

US Population Grows At Slowest Pace Since The Great Depression; Residents Flee Illinois Again

According to data released by the US Census, in 2016 the U.S. population grew at the lowest rate since the Great Depression, while the state of New York shrank for the first time in a decade. The biggest loser, again, was Illinois which shrank for a third consecutive year, losing 38,000 people, mostly from the Chicago area.

The overall slowdown was due to uptick in deaths, a slowdown in births and a fractional drop in immigration, all of which damped American population growth for the year ended July 1. The 0.7% increase, to 323.1 million, was the smallest on record since 1936-37, according to William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.



  1. The drop in the birth rate is a bit frightening in light of recent increases in illegal immigration. Caucasians are quickly becoming a minority, thanks to liberal immigration and welfare policies. And for years, our system has encouraged, or at least, not discouraged, pregnancies in lower income communities. We wonder why these communities cannot overcome poverty. Hello. If you have kids, or 3 like me, it is very expensive to raise them. But, in lower income households, who receive government assistance, what disincentive is there NOT to have kids? And many of them are being raised by the mom or grandmother. No dad in sight.
    It's time for our government to encourage and incentivize increase births in duel income households, and disincentivize births in single income households . Research has proven success rates of children raised in a household with a mother AND a father. The future of our country depends on the survival of traditional households. Look at any successful country, and their culture encourages traditional, nuclear families.

  2. 6:56 its time for the Government to get out of the business of families. government is the problem not the solution


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