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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

U.S. history no longer a requirement for history majors at George Washington University

George Washington University recently changed its requirements for history majors, removing previously key courses for the stated purpose of giving students more flexibility.

The department eliminated requirements in U.S., North American and European history, as well as the foreign language requirement. Thus, it is possible that a student can major in history at GWU without taking a survey course on United States history.

The new requirements mandate at least one introductory course, of which American history, World History and European civilization are options. Yet, like at many elite universities, the introductory course requirement may be fulfilled by scoring a 4 or a 5 on the Advanced Placement exams for either U.S. History AP, European History AP or World History AP.

Earlier this year, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni released a report revealing that fewer than one-third of the nation’s leading universities require history majors to take a single course in U.S. history. George Washington University now joins those ranks.

More here


  1. Since the far left have rewritten our history...there is no reason to study the fictitious lies they are selling

  2. Further devaluing an already worthless degree!


  3. As long as they have safe spaces all across campus, and the bookstore sells plaid flannel onesie PJs, all is well.

  4. ut off Federal funding!

  5. No US History "No US Tax Dollars"

  6. The history has been FAKE since I was in school in 1970s.
    I only realized that in the past few years.

    Check out Miles Mathis for some real eye opening writing!
    Highly recommended

  7. let's just dumb them down even more; if that's even possible. what the hello are these idiots thinking? and to think all of us will have to live under their leadership at some time. good grief this is scary. and they will multiply. who approves of this nonsense???

  8. its because the Liberals have taken over the teaching of the youth as a plan to control the country and vote. WAKE THE HELL UP!

  9. "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." -George Santayana


  10. After the tuition check clears they may just as well print the diploma, or they can text it to the snowflakes.

  11. This is my Alma mater. I will have to look into this a little further than THE Blaze.

  12. How about requiring teaching the truth in history! Regardless of whose feelings may get hurt. But U.S. history is important to be taught. This country is unique in its founding and freedoms.


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