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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trump bashes NBC Nightly News for 'biased, inaccurate and bad' coverage

President-elect Donald Trump has a new target at NBC: Nightly News.

A serial tweeter, Trump routinely trashes the network's Saturday Night Live program from his account and bashed Nightly News on Sunday after it aired a report that took a critical look at his split with the intelligence community.

He's not sitting for daily briefings and rejects the CIA's assessment that Russia engineered hacks on Democratic operatives to help him win the election.

'Just watched @NBCNightlyNews - So biased, inaccurate and bad, point after point. Just can't get much worse, although @CNN is right up there!' Trump said.



  1. NBC has absolutely NO credibility any longer.
    When I first heard the sound bite of Trump saying, "I'm a smart man. I don't need a briefing every day.", I thought to myself that it was an amazingly horrible thing to say.
    Then I saw the REST of the statement on FOX and understood exactly what he meant.(It showed that Trump was a man that gets things done, and has no time for redundancy.)
    NBC inferred that he call "all" Mexicans rapists. Of COURSE he didn't, but that's how they portray it, even to this day.
    NBC as a news organization is as dead as the Washington Post.

  2. Add the NYT to the list. In today's article, they make the FBI look like bumblers, repeat over and over that the hackers had direct ties to the Kremlin and also made allusions to the Watergate scandal.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 13, 2016 at 6:08 PM

    NBC, CNN, Wash Post, NY Times would want you to believe their candidate Hillary lost because of "Russians Hijacking", WOW !!! Those Russkis hijacked minds of 100 million Americans on election day!? Typical Liberal MSM believing their own created lies, SMH.
    Make America Great Again!

  4. Ratings = $$$$$$
    Trump calling out networks = ratings for those networks. Why? Cuz we will watch.

    Win Win for everyone! Why?


  5. The hidden dangers of the rainbow, has been warning of this satanic evil embedded in all aspects of society. Most are to blind to see who these useful idiots really support.

  6. It's a shame when you hear kool aid thoughts coming from the mouths of freinds- whom you once respected and you thought were smart. It's really sad how the propoganda has infiltrated even the strong minds.
    I understand why, especially if they follow any MSM news. Last night, on CNN ( Clinton News Network) website every single news story was anti-Trump. Even Fox was not that bad when Obama got elected. This is a revolution and we can't stop beating the anti-establishment drum.

  7. TMZ gets it right tho. Had pics of Trump meeting with Kanye West and other liberals at Trump Tower.


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