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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Today's Survey Question 12-21-16

What do you think is the #1 toy/gift 
kids want this year for Christmas?


  1. Every parent of a young child I know are looking for something called a hatchimal? I know Nintendo Classic is flying off the shelves, but that's more for 30-40 year olds.

  2. Hatchimals and NES Classic. LOL I still have an original SEGA Genesis and SNES!

  3. Trump for president!

  4. Aside from toys/games, I'd like to think kids want (1) to have parents and (2) be loved.

    I wish ALL kids could have parents and be loved - sure "COULD" make things better than the constant police sheets, videos of high school fights, etc., etc., etc., we see with young kids/adults.

    Simpler days when playing as a kid included throwing a ball with Dad or the painstaking shopping with Mom. Sure do miss them both.

    Happy Holiday's (MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR) to all in SBYNEWS nation and thank you always Joe (and staff) for what you provide to us all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 10:33 I got you beat. I still have an Atari. And it works!

  6. A refrigerator box wins every year.

  7. My kids are grown, but from what I am hearing here at work, a virtual reality headset for their smart phones or devices.


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