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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Three Years Ago, Obama Signed a Law Allowing the Federal Government to Take over the Entire Media

There’s an insidious law for us to ponder, courtesy of Barack Obama. An online radio host pointed out back in 2013 that the law would grant the federal government huge power to saturate Americans with domestic propaganda at the taxpayer’s expense. “This law allows the federal government to have sweeping power to push television, radio, newspaper and social-media propaganda onto the U.S. public,” warned Michael Evans, host of America’s Voice Now. He said that the law would remove protection for Americans from the ideologies of Obama’s administration. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 was specifically what Evans was referring to; it was inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

A so-called anti-propaganda law formerly prevented the U.S. government’s broadcasting arm from reaching American viewers. On July 2, 2013, the implementation of the new reform marked an end to shielding Americans from government delivered programming. The government now had the green light to unleash thousands of hours of weekly government funded radio and television programming for domestic consumption.

The U.S. government previously broadcast news and opinions to foreign countries through outlets like Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks. The new law allowed them to expand their broadcasting business to influence citizens within the U.S. America had been protected from this over the years, but all good things pre-Obama had to come to an end, right?



  1. That explains the whole fake concern over fake news.
    IMO, this latest propaganda campaign, is just putting this new law into motion.
    They are getting you acclimated to government controlled speech / media.

  2. This is what Communists like Obama do. They are failures when the public knows the truth so they have to spin, deceive and lie to stay in power.

  3. Aha, this explains why obama hates and attacks Foxnews.

  4. We the People will NOT allow this to happen. period

  5. This proves Lawmakers do not read what they pass. Perfect example why all Bills should be clean Bills with no non-related add-ons / pork barrel spending.


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