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Friday, December 09, 2016

'Thousands' of geese die in toxic Montana pit mine

Thousands of migrating snow geese died after landing in contaminated pit mine waters in Montana, mine officials have said.

Officials estimate that as many as 25,000 birds landed in the Berkeley Pit last week, and since then have been seen dropping dead in the area.

Mine workers tried to prevent the birds from landing in the acidic wastewater, but were overwhelmed by their number.

Each year several birds are found floating dead there, but never so many.

"I can't underscore enough how many birds were in the Butte area that night," said Mark Thompson, an environmental affairs manager for Montana Resources, which controls the pit mine along with Atlantic Richfield.



  1. Snow geese are the rats of the avian world. Good riddance.

  2. God has his way eliminating over population.

  3. More like a company destroying the environment. What if your dog or cat wandered over there and died from the toxic water?


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