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Thursday, December 08, 2016

This is What Liberals Really Think Of Black People


  1. It's true white liberal snowflakes believe black people are incapable of basic life skills. The Democrat party is and has always been the most bigoted group in America.

  2. It is post like this, "That should not be posted"
    Is one reason why we have Racism.

    1. No it's posts like this that show the racism injected into this country by democrats! It should be shown. Maybe the blacks will see it and wake up to the fact the party they blindly support thinks they are morons! The party you obviously support as well.

  3. We have racism because the media promotes it as well as the President.

  4. 9:46 Shut up 9:46! This exactly what needs to be posted so all people know what the democratic ilk is perpetuating on this country. I tell my liberal friends exactly what the black people in this video are saying and they completely disagree. They do feel like these white DAs because that is what they have been told by the likes of Hillary. You twats make me sick to my stomach!! You cannot stand the truth and yell racism when the truth shows up!!

  5. Democrats use people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to stoke fear into the black community for votes just like slave masters did hundreds of years ago to keep them from leaving the plantation.

  6. 9:46 Say whaaaat? It's just one more example of the liberal MSM spreading 'fake-news'. Since when is carrying an ID only a white thing? if I were black, I'd be pissed off at the insult that having to show ID to vote is discriminatory against them. The liberal elitists have convinced liberal judges that it's true. EVERYONE should be able to prove that they are who they say they are BEFORE they can vote. Period. End of story.


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