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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

This Is An Incredible Deal

Last weekend I was walking through the Berlin WalMart. I happened to walk all the way to the back wall, (someplace I've never been) and when I started walking down the back isle I saw the above sale. These are LED Lamps, a 4-pack for $1.17 each. 

As you can tell from the above pictures, I bought them ALL, (75 boxes). Every shelf, every lamp. LED lamps are not cheap, yet they give incredible illumination while burning next to no energy. 

Once they restock you may want to purchase these lamps as I can assure you, you are not going to see this price again. They normally sell for $11.17 per pack. 


  1. Walmart says, "Whoops!"

  2. i got 6 packs a month ago...great deal

  3. These are the ones subsidized by Delmarva Power?

  4. I am gradually replacing all the light bulbs in my house with LED lights. Still have many florescent bulbs left. Been using some of them for out door lights. I love the brightness of the led bulbs. It comes on bright instantaneous, as compared to florescent bulbs that take a few minutes to grow bright. I've even replace my flashlights with the newer led flashlights. Best invention ever!!!!


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