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Saturday, December 03, 2016

There Are Other Countries For These People


  1. "They" are the liberal politicians and those who think like them.

  2. liberals, they are...
    did you not read?

  3. You must be a liberal

  4. I'm a liberal and believe me I'm very well armed. With everything from hand guns to assault rifles. You can't judge all liberals by a few. There are many just like me that believe in our constutuonal right to bear arms

  5. She's a democrat and there isn't one alive who doesn't lie constantly. If this were true all the rural areas across the nation would be the Wild West. If truth be told-again all democrats are liars so you would never hear this out of them-the only ones this idea applies to are young black men. 1005 truth but again all democrats are liars and would never say this.

  6. I feel sure that 856AM still voted for Hillary! (or maybe Jill Stein?) Would surprise me if they voted for Trump.

    1. Who cares who 856 voted for? On the issue 2A rights you and 856 have an area of agreement. Build on it...maybe you'll find other areas of commonality.

  7. Mary Ann Carlson lost her seat in the Vermont Senate in 1994 after introducing a number of gun control bills (it’s been falsely reported that Mary Ann Carlson lost her senate seat as recently as 2014).

    Mary Ann Carlson, a former Democratic senator from Bennington County, said she experienced the backlash of Vermont's strong gun culture after introducing legislation in 1994 that would have restricted semi-automatic weapons and required gun registration in Vermont. Carlson was defeated in the ensuing election and said her bill played a role in that defeat. "I think probably the NRA came after me," she said. "There was a bumper sticker out that said, 'guns and ammo yes, Carlson no.'"

  8. That is about the most stupid quote I have ever heard. Arrest people before they commit a crime. If they haven't committed a crime yet, they are just like her. We should arrest Carlson for being so stupid.

  9. 8:56,you sound like the old true liberals that wanted government out of all of our business not the socialist liberals of now that want total government control of our business.


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