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Thursday, December 01, 2016

The Wall


  1. Sure. Millions of dollars in tax incentives paid for by the good taxpayers of Indiana. Exactly the thing Trump campained against. No penalty tarriffs against Carrier. No patriotic good will. These jobs were bought and paid for by the government. Same old tune.

  2. I would rather give them a tax break than lose my job to across the border knowing it will never come back. That would be American dollars pumped into the Mexican economy and not the American!

    1. So, it's ok to have your neighbors subsidize your salary?

  3. There is Trump keeping his promise, while turning down president's pay - there is Carrier whose employees are still spending their pay in the USA,( not being placed on unemployment and welfare roles) - so grateful they lent a truck at no expense to taxpayers. What an improvement over the the guy in office now. You remember he used billions of dollars of taxpayers money for those millions of shovel ready jobs. What happened to the jobs? where did the money go?

  4. So 5:23 You were in the room when the deal was made?

    1. It remains to be seen if the less than half of the employees who don't lose their jobs will receive pay cuts or reductions in benefits. I'd be surprised if they didn't.

  5. It's not tax incentives but an across the board tax restructuring. The US has one of the highest corp tax rate in the world. It's high because the federal government waste has to be paid for somehow. Cut out the waste and the corp tax rate can be lowered substantially without any ill effects.

  6. 5:23 and 6:55 Trump confirmed reduction in the business tax rate from nearly highest in the world to close to the lowest rate in the world. The reason that companies have been leaving the US is because of things like tax rates, Obama care etc. now that these things will be going away there might be more jobs that stay and come back to the us so people can get jobs that are real, people can go back to the 40 hour+ work week and not have to protest because they are forced to work at McDonalds for minimum wage

    1. The correct reason corporations are shifting overseas is labor. The us has among the highest labor rates of all. Taxes and those pesky regulations are a drop in the bucket compared to labor differential. Don't believe me? Open a textbook or google it. Educate yourself.

  7. I don't know how he did it but its a start and we shouldn't pass judgement until we know a whole lot more.

  8. Now, any corporation that wants favorable tax incentives just has to threaten to ship their jobs overseas.

  9. Build that YUGE BIGLY wall. 😭😭😭

  10. AWWWWWW creating jobs for BLM members and others on welfare!!!!


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