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Friday, December 16, 2016

The High Price of Resisting Shoplifters of Color

Business owners had better let shoplifting by Criminals of Color slide. Otherwise, they could end up like Gibson’s Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio.

Last month shop employee Allyn Gibson caught an Oberlin College student stealing two bottles of wine…

Allyn Gibson attempted to stop the alleged thief, Jonathan Aladin, from leaving the store and tried to take a photo him as he bolted. Gibson got whacked in the face with his own phone. Aladin then reportedly ran while throwing the two bottles of wine on the floor, becoming “violent” and “grabbing and hitting Allyn.” Aladin ran out with two females who were with him in the store. Gibson followed and tried to detain the alleged shoplifter again on the street.

Police arrived to find Gibson on his back in the street, being beaten by several individuals who put up resistance when authorities tried to gain control of the situation. Gibson’s assailants included Endia Lawrence and Cecelia Whettstone, who had accompanied Aladin in the store. They were charged with assault. But Gibson’s Bakery did not escape punishment either.

Aladin, who is black, became the new poster boy of institutional racism and oppression. Students organized protests and shrieked about “racial profiling,” claiming that the bakery had a history of discriminating against customers “of color.”

It gets worse. Leading the charge in the latest War on Small-Biz Bakeries is the Oberlin College dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, who joined the baying mob in bullying the Gibson family. She disseminated flyers libelously asserting that Gibson’s is a “racist establishment with a long account of racial profiling and discrimination.” Convicted in the crazy Oberlin College court of public opinion, the school refused to renew its longstanding daily order of donuts and bagels. For a small business with razor-thin margins, losing that order could be devastating.



  1. Snowflake nation - geez.

  2. And so goes the attack, based on alleged racism, putting this vendor in a nearly untenable position, as small businesses cannot afford the legal fees to counter such specious charges.

    We are being pulled apart by what would be called foolishness, but has achieved some measure of acceptability by the irrational.

  3. As usual, "they" did nothing wrong.

  4. When they do these things write down their names wait until they grow up and get real jobs then you go after them and their livelihood.

  5. Liberals are out of control.

  6. if the shoe fits!!!!

  7. The younger black generation has not been raised very well. A whole generation of people who feel entitled to do as they please. Racism is the crutch they use for all their problems. They call themselves the N word, but if a white person says it they are racist. Morality starts at home and sadly, many black families are not teaching the younger members any manners or morals.

  8. I used to get $500+ in merch every trip into Roses. I say this because the statute of limitations has long passed. Would only hit corporations, never a Mom and Pop or an individual. I often got some big scores at the Mall if the workers were too busy following around Black kids to see me popping security strips off their CDs and DVDs.
    I feel bad for the Black kids because they are never able to get away with anything. They always have a suspicious eye on them. Even a minor fight at school anymore gets you thrown into the court system. When it was all white kids in schools they used to just say "Boys will be boys", and after the fight the two of you ended up with more respect for each other anyway. Now we live in a society with an insatiable appetite for "Justice". Realize that in this economy and this society that once you have a court record it's VERY hard to get an apartment or a job. So now you have your justice and you will pay for this person's food, housing and medical because you took away his ability to provide for himself and his family. I am white and conservative and when I hear the term "white privilege" I realize there is some truth to its existence. Kids will live up to your expectations of them... Good or bad.

  9. If stores around here let blacks shoplift they would go out of business in 10 days. Its an epidemic in this area.

  10. Karma does catch up with everyone..including you 9:00am...it eventually does.


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