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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Teacher Wears BlackLivesMatter Pin – Angered Students Take Matter Into Their Own Hands

A substitute teacher in Clovis, CA has been banned from teaching at Clovis West High. Why? Because he wore a Black Lives Matter pin to school. The school contends it violates their school policy that does not allow political statements by teachers. He is 75 years-old and claims it wasn’t a political statement… that it was a moral one. He only lasted a day teaching before they kicked him out. He’s been subbing for 15 years, but he’s been in hot water before.

Clovis West Deputy Principal Tony LeFore approached David Roberts and told him the pin was not allowed. Roberts took off the pin. He claims that a number of students thanked him for wearing it and shook his hand, but the school says that students and parents both complained about the pin that symbolizes a radical, racist group. They also claim that he did not follow the lesson plan that day, but he contends he did.



  1. Poor decision making in a 75 year old is a sign of cheese slipping off the plate.

  2. Should have beat him.

  3. Like alot of schools teaching kids a bunch of crap

  4. Should have booted him out the door!
    A prime example of the liberal school school and why they are failing!

  5. Indoctrinating the Young in Hate Factories
    If you want to learn to hate America, your nearest public school or college is waiting for you. If it is a university you want to attend, don’t worry about the cost, the government (taxpayers) will pick up the tab as student loans are about to be forgiven to the tune of $108 billion and will probably go much higher.

    Our schools across the country have created and nurtured millions of godless, America-hating, angry, statist, whiny, cry babies and we will all INCLUDING them will be paying dearly for it, now and in the future.


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