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Friday, December 16, 2016

Target Employee Arrested for Allegedly Recording Boy in Store Restroom

An employee of retail giant Target was arrested in Columbus, Ohio, after a 12-year-old boy reported that the employee was taking video of unsuspecting customers in the store’s restroom.

The arrest came after the boy’s mother called police in November to report that her son had seen someone’s hand, holding a cell phone, appear underneath his stall in the store, ABC noted.

Police reportedly reviewed store surveillance footage and found that Target employee Matthew Lively, 31, had entered the store’s restroom after the child went in and did not emerge until after the boy left.

Police say that upon questioning, Lively not only confessed to recording the boy, but said that he had recorded other customers in the store restroom, as well.

Police confiscated the employee’s phone and found recordings of others whom they are now attempting to identify.



  1. No matter what you do the sick mind always finds a way. Solution...harsh solid stiff penalties.

  2. I see productive time for this individual. In prison general population of course!

  3. did he call himself a girl? This is Target. you know.

  4. what else would you expect from target, I think they are perfectly ok with this behavior. after all they encourage people to have free bathroom rights. I wouldn't step one foot in one of those stores. I can't believe anyone would be surprised by this.


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