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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tapper: A Lot of the Media Thinks a Lot of Trump Supporters Are ‘Deplorable,’ ‘Racist’

Monday on CNN’s “Wolf,” while discussing the 2016 presidential election when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said that half of Republican Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables,” guest host Jake Tapper said, “I don’t think there’s any story that demonstrates the divide between the people who report on politicians and the voters, than that story,” adding our reaction was, “a lot of them are deplorable, a lot of them are racist.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BASH: Number one —you and I talked about this in the break —for sure, Hillary Clinton’s deplorables comment.

TAPPER: Basket of deplorables, yeah.

BASH: Baskets of deplorables where she said — She wasn’t caught on tape, she was saying it with a camera there at a fund-raiser, she was talking about Donald Trump supporters. Accusing them of, at least half of them of being deplorable.



  1. Notice they didn't call trump supporters anti-semitics. Democrats go out wearing the crown for that one!

  2. These talking head cable networks better step up. If ratings continue to dive, the Dana Bashes, Tappers, PMSNBCers will be outside their offices looking in to the newbies.

    No ratings = unemployment STILL in this TV country!!!

  3. Nobody's watching them anymore

  4. They always call Trump racist but never offer proof.

  5. CNN was so in the tank for Hillary. They were smug and superior in their reporting. Tapper was arrogant many times. Had to switch the channel.


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