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Thursday, December 15, 2016

SU Police Earns Governor's Crime Prevention Award

SALISBURY, MD---The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services recently honored the Salisbury University Police Department during the 37th annual Governor’s Crime Prevention Awards ceremony in Glen Burnie, MD.

SU Police received the department’s Category A Crime Prevention Award, recognizing its overall outstanding crime prevention program.

“Salisbury University Police believe that knowledge is power when it comes to campus and community safety,” said SU Police Chief Edwin Lashley. “We place a premium on educational programming for our students to help avoid unsafe situations or to be prepared if they occur. I am grateful for the work of all our officers in these areas. The recognition that safety is a top University priority and the support that has followed from the administration provides a solid foundation for our work.”

Agencies selected for the award must participate in programs recommended by the Maryland Community Crime Prevention Institute. They include personal and commercial security; training, media and public relations activities, an officer and citizen recognition program relating to crime prevention; and support of the “McGruff the Crime Dog” national crime prevention campaign.

During fiscal 2016, SU Police made 25 personal protection presentations to approximately 1,300 members of the campus community. They addressed issues relating to University Police services and personal safety, alcohol and drug abuse, acquaintance rape, identity theft and emergency response.

Specific classes were offered in Self-Defense Awareness and Familiarization (SAFE) and Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) not only to students, but to members of the surrounding community, including the elderly. In addition, SU Police conducted orientations at youth camps on campus, instructing attendees on the difference between drugs and candy, despite similar appearances.

University Police also facilitated drug abuse prevention presentations for some 1,200 students, participated in community town halls, conducted security surveys, upgraded SU’s video surveillance system and continued the campus Crime Watch program.

The department performed outreach to members of the campus and greater communities in person and with digital communications and signage, maintained relationships with other area law enforcement agencies, recognized its Officer and Employee of the Year, and distributed McGruff the Crime Dog coloring books to children attending admissions open houses.

The Governor’s Crime Prevention Award is the latest honor for SU Police. The department recently earned reaccreditation from the International Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). It is one of only six institutions in the University System of Maryland to hold CALEA accreditation.

For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU website at www.salisbury.edu.


  1. HUH.....You must be kidding, right? Is this voted on by other snowflakes.....in other words everybody gets recognized?????

  2. Liberal politics... When you fail the community give an award to cover it up.

  3. The only competition was Baltimore right? I mean, come on, Slimsbury? We are a crime cesspool.

  4. Really? “We place a premium on educational programming for our students to help avoid unsafe situations or to be prepared if they occur." Here is a free lesson: Get out of Da'Bury! Almost at a loss for words, well not that bad but, teaching students to avoid unsafe situations. This city is an unsafe situation. Good thing they all use smartphone apps to manage money because there have been 2 bank robberies in 2 days. Good thing they don't stand in line to bank.

  5. A whole bunch of mumbo jumbo talk that says absolutely NOTHING from the biggest blowhard and most racist person I have ever encountered, Ed Lashley. He is one of the biggest benefactors of affirmative action and a poster child of why it doesn't work. In the holiday spirit, I will partially borrow a quote from the Grinch That Stole Christmas "the three words that best describe him are as follows, and I quote, egotistical, incompetent racist." Lashley has no integrity whatsoever. He had his secretary, at Salisbury Barrack, write all of his Wor Wic class papers for him while she was working and on the clock for the state. He didn't earn his associates degree from Wor Wic because he had her do the work for him. He rode that fake degree to promotions with MSP and to the current position he is in now. He is a fraud.

  6. 6:43 absolutely correct. And he uses his power on and off duty. He's tough, unless you're black and try to create a race riot by drawing a noose on a whiteboard. In that case, he suppresses evidence and sweeps it under the rug. Yes, black lives DO matter to him.
    Whatever happened to that student? Did she ever get expelled...prosecuted? You can bet your ass if she was white, Ed would have run her out of town.

  7. Ed is a world class racist. Big Ern took care of him. He got away with assaulting a man during a pick up basketball game at the Civic Center. Hunter Nelms and crew covered it up. Ed need not look beyond his own dope dealing son.


  9. That's the GREAT Ed Lashley...same with MSP. He covered for and covered up all infractions by black Troopers but made sure the whites were penalized the maximum level of the disciplinary matrix. All while he was having his secretary complete his college work while working for the state. If you ever get on his bad side, there is no coming back. He is a petty grudge holding racist who abuses his position and authority in every way possible. If Ernest Leatherbury Sr. hadn't pulled him through the ranks, he would have never been anything more than a mediocre roadTrooper. The word mediocre is being used loosely and generously. The only whites that he likes are women. Yes, he loves the women.


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