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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

State University Working to Inject "Black Studies" Component Into Every Major

Racialists have hijacked taxpayer-funded university and course requirements

Taxpayer-funded Eastern Michigan University is currently implementing an 11-point “Black Student 10-Point Plan” which — among much else — will compel every department on campus to inject a “black studies” course into “the curriculum of every major.”

“Work on the Black Student 10-Point Plan has been underway for nearly a year and progress is being made,” Eastern Michigan staffer Calvin Phillips said at meeting last week, according to a school press release.

“A course on Black studies will be built into the curriculum of every major,” says point #3 of the “Black Student 10-Point Plan.”

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  1. How is that gonna work in nuclear physics?

  2. and eliminate White studies - lets face it, unless White people move out of this country for 100 years - find some place else to go, they will never be happy. We are just feeding racism by these actions, instead of solving it.

  3. But they want to leave out history and how this country began and became (confederate flag). Should start with reading, writing and arithmetic. Just now on TV a black female is being interviewed and starts by throwing in black, gender, etc., having not one thing to do with the conversation. Can't anyone speak today without mentioning color. Are the blacks so insecure this is eating them up all day. I know it won't steal my joy how they want to live.

  4. Well in reality the black community has contributed a lot more to America Society than Muslims.

  5. Why "Color Studies" at all? Why not something called "History"? Then show pictures of the people in the "History" book.

    What a concept...

    1. They do that now,but the history they provide isn't accurate.

  6. Don't be so ignorant 7:09 use internet!there's plenty of black African Americans that have contributed to the intelllectual growth of this country. Not all of them are Thugs and baltimorean morons. I work with allot of intelligent blacks, they are just as angry as we are about the disinformation being pushed by progressive and democrats. Dont be fooled.


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