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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Senator to Trump: Do the ‘Unpredictable’ and Support Gun Control

WASHINGTON – Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said Congress is “complicit” in the deaths of Americans due to gun violence and he encouraged President-elect Trump to do the “unpredictable” with gun control measures.

“Shortly, we’ll have a new president unlike President Obama – hardly committed to the cause of ending gun violence, but there is a moment of opportunity here. And my hope is that newly elected President Trump will use this opportunity much as President Nixon did in going to China,” Blumenthal said during a press conference on Capitol Hill with family members of gun violence victims and survivors. “It’s a Nixon to China moment for Donald Trump when he can defy the expectation, do the unpredictable – he likes doing the unpredictable – respond to a rally, which he also likes to do, and the rally is the America people who are clamoring and demanding action.”

“Donald Trump has a legacy moment,” the senator added. “When he can seize this opportunity, a historic opportunity, do the right thing and adopt these common-sense measures: background checks for every gun purchase, a ban on terrorists buying guns and ending the immunity, the legal immunity, unprecedented, unknown to any other industry for gun manufacturers. These are your ideas, Donald. We’ll give you credit for them.”



  1. Do the unthinkable....enforce the laws already on the books and gun deaths will decrease on their own!

  2. Libs are off their meds.

  3. 207 because that's worked so well in the past

  4. shall not infringe upon . . .

  5. 2:33 are you one of those anti gun people.

  6. Wake 2:33.states with simple easy Concealed Carry laws have a lower crime rates and overall smaller murder rates compared to state that do not allow people to protect themselves. still drinking that Kool-Aid are you

  7. This loonie liberal is already smokin' the freshly legalized weed - and it's some good $4!T too!

  8. Trump to Blumenidiot.....Shortly after I'm sworn in the CC reciprocity bill will come across my desk and I will sign it.

  9. Another liberal wacko who wants to blame guns for the killings in Chicago etc... They would kill each other even without guns..

    Trump--the protector of the 2nd Ammd.

  10. 2:33 how do those gun controls work in city of Chicago? And city of Baltimore?
    Record murder rates this year. When the gangsters break in and start pointing guns, 2:33 you can hold a broomstick while waiting for the Po-Po, that's your choice. I would be holding Double Barrell Shotgun and Pistol - that's my choice.

  11. Second amendment making America great again.

  12. There's a Second Amendment, then there are many State laws that take it away, Maryland being one. There's a Tenth Amendment that is violated by Maryland and other states through State laws . We are one of those States under an unconstitutional law that needs to go, but Trump cannot act on this.

    Call Governor Hogan out on this one.

  13. The liberal, brainwashed, pansie-ace, losers in D.C. have the AUDACITY to tell us to disarm while THEY surround themselves with an army of police agencies who will kill a citizen in mere seconds for making the wrong move in their presence.
    The Constitution gives us the right to bear arms and the ONLY reason the founders gave was to protect "we, the people" from people like HIM.
    It's NOT for hunting or sport or hobby.
    It's for KILLING people who wish to impose tyranny.
    I think THEY may need more guns.
    We have plenty.
    Molon Labe, bit***s.


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