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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rockettes’ liberal defenders still insist on Christian coercion in gay weddings

The same people who want to crack down on Christian bakers who decline to participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies are defending the conscience rights of Radio City Rockettes dancers who object to performing at Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration.

The sudden about-face has conservatives accusing liberals of trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center, said progressives stand up for freedom of conscience only when it’s a progressive conscience on the line.

“It’s ridiculously hypocritical,” Mr. Gainor said. “They think a photographer who would be forced to attend a gay wedding can be forced to participate in that ceremony, but they don’t think a Rockette — who’s not even a sole business owner but is actually an employee — can’t be forced to attend an event. Talk about ridiculous.”

The Rockettes sparked a social media maelstrom last week when one dancer took to Instagram to express her displeasure at the prospect of performing for Mr. Trump, whom she opposed in the general election.

“Finding out that it has been decided for us that Rockettes will be performing at the Presidential inauguration makes me feel embarrassed and disappointed,” the dancer said in the now-deleted post. “The women I work with are intelligent and are full of love and the decision of performing for a man that stands for everything we’re against is appalling.”



  1. Oh how oh so intolerant the "tolerant lefts" and gays are ! Can anyone say HYPOCRITE??

  2. And we care about the Rockettes' being news worthy because??? Don't they get enough attention each year from the Macy's Day Parade until after the holiday's??? I mean I care how one of them "feels" (aka snowflake) about doing their JOB for the President of the USA?

    Snowflakes alike need a HUGE wakeup call. If you don't like/feel comfortable with your employer, best obtain a quick 411 and QUIT before you are fired!

    "..performing at the Presidential inauguration makes me feel embarrassed and disappointed.." BIG GIANT MEOW!!!

    God help SOME of us and QUICK!!!!!!!!

  3. Take their taxpayer grant money away.

  4. The Rockettes performers are hired because of their legs, not their brains.

  5. It is not the Rockettes actually, it is the point. The true point is that religion is being targeted but the secondary point is that gays, liberals, Hilary people think they get to make up the rules for themselves. It was not right for the Christian baker or photographer to turn down the "gay wedding" to the tune of being out of business for the baker, and if they detect something they don't agree with they want everyone in the world to boycott the offending party or business. But you let it be something that THEY don't agree with, such at the Trump inauguration and then, oh Katy bar the door!, we are not having that. We will protest the presidency, the count must have been off. We will protest illegals in this country, because if they come for them, they'll come for me. We won't perform in North Carolina because they won't let trans people go into whatever bathroom they want to. You name it - and it is okay when it suits them. Most intolerent, hypocritical people I've ever seen in my life.


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