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Friday, December 23, 2016

Report: Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Urged Khizr Khan to Run for Office

Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe wants Muslim Gold Star father Khizr Khan to run for office, Khan tells Britain’sGuardian.

Khan said that a run for office “would limit him,” the Guardian reports. Reached by Breitbart News, McAuliffe’s communications director said he would decline to comment on a private conversation, but called Khan a “great Virginian” and thanked him for his and his son’s service.

Khan arrived on the national stage during the Democratic National Convention in August, when he held up a copy of the U.S. Constitution and called Donald Trump “ignorant.” Khan’s son, Army captain Humayun Khan, was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004 and awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star Medal. Trump “sacrificed nothing and no one,” Khan said at the time.



  1. Terry McAuliffe obviously has a mental illness like most Democrats. I would suggest some lead therapy for that traitor!

  2. He would lose as the American people have awoken --Thanks to President Trump. I hope McAuliffe is indicted for his role in the Clinton foundation

  3. Is this what liberals call "diversity"?

  4. Issue is the morons who voted for him.


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