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Friday, December 09, 2016

Report: Costly wind turbines projected to yield $1.39 in daily savings

A small Washington state city spent more than $100,000 on three “windmill-like turbines” – but any hopes for big savings appear to be blowing in the wind.

The Peninsula Daily News reported that the Port Angeles turbines, which haven’t yet been turned on, are expected to generate $1.39 per day in electricity, or roughly $42 per month.

The turbines were meant to help illuminate a local park. Now, some city council members are having second thoughts about their unanimous approval for the project.

“I did not realize they would produce so little energy. I wouldn’t have voted for it knowing it was that little,” City Councilwoman Sissi Bruch told The Peninsula Daily News.

“I did not realize they would produce so little energy. I wouldn’t have voted for it knowing it was that little,” City Councilwoman Sissi Bruch told The Peninsula Daily News.



  1. Anyone who fell for these monstrosities has an IQ somewhere in the moron/idiot/imbecile range. Remember anything pushed by the democrats is going to without any doubts fail because democrats do nothing but tell lies. And if you haven't figured that out yet then you are without any doubts an imbecile, moron or an idiot. Only the evil and the stupid are democrats and vote democrat.

  2. Everyone expects an instant pay off.
    Less toxic oil, generates 31 lights, its a win.
    They are spending more than $30 a month to light the park, so something in this story doesn't add up, but I am not surprised because no one knows what real journalism is.

  3. I am sure they meant well!

  4. welcome to Crisfield

  5. Talbot County spend $4.2 million on a turbine/solar array that produces $23,000 worth of electricity per year and the equipment has a lifespan of just 10 to 20 years!

  6. Crisfield's turbine cost $4.3 million but the town is only on the hook for $426,000. The mayor has already said the developer overstated its production value by 30%. The engineer who put it up, said he would be surprised if it worked for very long, because the blades are not right and the base laid on the ground for over 2 years.

  7. 12:08 Hey Dilbert!! Those windmills had a total cost of $285K!! At a savings of $42 per month, it would take approximately 565 years to just pay off the cost of the windmills!!

  8. Crisfield's another one where the elected officials have some kind of mental retardation going on and have for several decades now. That could have been such a tourist attraction if not for officials who haven't 2 brain cells that work.

  9. So the mayor's blaming the developer instead of taking responsibility. Typical must be a democrat. Liars and excuse makers and blamers. If the mayor (whoever it is) had a brain that worked all the info in the world was out there saying turbines were a bunch of bunk. Mayor Moron.

  10. Information showing it was junk was available but Federal and State policy support it. Renewable hurts the host community most due to decreased property values and higher electricity bills. The massive infrastructure is unsightly and is also being charged to DP&L ratepayers.

  11. The Crisfield mayor and council refused to go to Safe for Somerset events that clearly showed that wind turbines in the Eastern US are a total fraud and always will be. All that voted for this should be removed.

  12. WOW, what a great savings...


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