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Friday, December 09, 2016

Report: Advisers Working On Mid-January ‘Farewell Tour’ for Obama

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “Fox & Friends,” Fox News Chief National Correspondent reported, “I’m hearing this morning that, quietly behind the scenes, advisers to President Obama are working on sort of a farewell tour in mid-January.”

Henry said, “I’m hearing this morning that, quietly behind the scenes, advisers to President Obama are working on sort of a farewell tour in mid-January. I’m told there’s at least three cities, that President Obama will be giving major speeches in arenas. one of them is Chicago, his sort of adopted hometown. they’re looking at the United Center there, where the Chicago Bulls play.”



  1. Obama does need to say farewell to all the caddies and greenskeepers that he spent most of his time with while President

  2. Waste of tax dollars. Should have to be paid by him personally. His family has spent / wasted enough tax dollars on trips.

  3. Oh snap, I will do his farewell now.....BYE!

  4. How can we help to speed this up?

  5. Gosh, I wish they would just go. I'm sooooooo sick of that family I could puke!

  6. Dry up and blow away.


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