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Friday, December 30, 2016

Professor Who Attacked Ivanka on Flight Gets BAD NEWS! [VIDEO]

You really don’t want to piss millennials off. The asshat professor who confronted Ivanka Trump with his attorney husband on a JetBlue flight is finding that out the hard way. Right Wing Millennials have started a petition to have him fired from his job at Hunter College where he teaches urban studies. Over 5,000 people have signed the petition that states he is not of fit character to be teaching young people. I would have to wholeheartedly agree with that premise… twice.

There is simply no excuse for what Matthew Lasner and Dan Goldstein did to Ivanka and her children last week, and one of them was carrying their child as they did it. The men were escorted off the plane and put on the next available flight. Goldstein told Ivanka her father was ‘ruining the country’ and demanded to know why she was not flying private. She was taking an interim flight with family members to get on a private flight bound for Hawaii to celebrate the holidays. Lasner, later tweeted: ‘My husband expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off’. However one hour before that he wrote on Twitter: ‘Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them’. They are liars and bullies, plain and simple.



  1. Any male that references "his" husband should surely not be throwing stones. "He" having a husband and not a wife tells me something about the cat.

  2. Typical liberals, do as I say not as I do!

  3. They are gay and obama protected.

  4. They are not gay (happy).
    They are homosexuals.

    Don't let them control your use of language.

  5. The two males (?) demand their lifestyles be accepted by all however they refuse to acknowledge the same for others. TYPICAL HYPOCRITICAL PROGRESSIVE LIBERALS.

  6. If the situation where reversed and Ivanka was doing the harassing it would be considered a hate crime against gays.

  7. Typical liberal he is and typical gay. Gays have some kind of issue where they can't control their urge to try and show off.

  8. Sounds like he got his panties in a wad and needs to start acting like a lady.


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