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Sunday, December 04, 2016

President Elect Trump Suggests Punishment For Burning American Flag


  1. Actually in 2005 then Senator, Hillary Clinton proposed this very action and liberals had no problem with it. 4-D Chess. 🤔

  2. Doesn't matter what either one thinks. The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is protected under the 1st. Amendment as an expression of free speech.

  3. The ONLY ones against this are the liberals that are not tolerant except for there own agenda to destroy America.

  4. Yes i agree but nobody can lose there citizenship unless its treason but 1 yr in jail and a $10,000 fine which would go to the local VFW then Yep.

  5. Loss of Citizenship needs to be a new LAW

    This will be a good deterent for all the criminals

    Make a deal with Russia and China to Take and Keep them

    instead of breaking our country housing them in prisons

    Also executions need to be Enforced on the ones that
    need it ....if Not there is NO Justice...and they Laugh
    at you in this country ....All they Get is TIME WOOOOO!!!

  6. And yet wasn't the Confederate flag banned? I seem to recall some talk but don't remember what happened with that.

  7. Love how some of you pick which amendments Trump should protect. It's okay to disagree with him once in awhile.

  8. i don't need the Supreme Court to tell me it is OK.
    I have freedom of speech because I have vocal chords.

    It is a piece of cloth folks.
    Don't fall for the religion of politics.
    Just a piece of cloth.

    1. Yeah punk
      Which millions if vets have died for that stupid comment of yours.

  9. So i can burn the BLM and GAY Flag ?
    Good to know.

  10. If it pisses off the liberal millinealls then i am for it.

  11. 9:10 - You are a piece of ......

  12. 1025
    Think about your position.
    My gosh it is a flag.

    We have always honored individual rights to make statements (freedom of speech).
    That right is inalienable. We are born with it.

    Think about your God, not the elite's Country.
    Don't fall for this silly religion of politics.

    Humans are more important than governments and armies.

  13. I believe to discard a flag properly you are in fact supposed to burn it. Catch 22

  14. 6:41, while what you are saying is true, there's a proper way to discard the flag. We have done so here with military members reading off the proper language to do so. There are also flag burning ceremonies at local VFW's. You can drop off your old flags and they will properly burn them. So it is not a catch 22. Instead, as usual, many are not educated.

  15. "Anonymous said...

    Doesn't matter what either one thinks. The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is protected under the 1st. Amendment as an expression of free speech.

    November 29, 2016 at 6:42 PM"

    "Doesn't matter" because of a previous Supreme Court ruling? Don't be so sure. Keep in mind just because the Supreme Court reached a decision to protect flag burning as a matter of free speech doesn't mean that future rulings can't override that decision. Look at slavery and the Jim Crow laws. They were once both protected by Supreme Court rulings too.

  16. "Anonymous said...

    i don't need the Supreme Court to tell me it is OK.
    I have freedom of speech because I have vocal chords.

    It is a piece of cloth folks.
    Don't fall for the religion of politics.
    Just a piece of cloth.

    November 29, 2016 at 9:10 PM"

    Right you have vocal cords. In truth, it's not completely clear that the *action* of burning a flag is anywhere equivalent to speaking one's mind, i.e., free speech. President Elect Donald J Trump is on a much firmer and a much more rational ground then previous admins. Get ready for new SCOTUS appointments to starting fixing some things that need fixing badly.

  17. Go Ahead ...Stand On My Street And Burn A US flag ...Go Ahead !!!

  18. If it is Not yet Against the Law ...Then Make it so it is !!! And why the hell is it not that way already ???

    you got friggin idiots running the damn government !!!

    Look how long it took to put up a friggin WW2 Memorial in DC

    we got idiots in charge.....good thing they did not run the
    wars or WE ALL WOULD BE DEAD ...........

  19. The school should ordered Closed until it puts the Flags up !!!!
    Bet that will speed things up when the $$$ not rolling in !!

  20. Some mention take their citizenship away for punishment. How can you do that when most are not citizens. Look at the crowd of low life scumballs burning the flag in front of Trump Towers. MEXICAN

  21. How many of us actually love the government in Washington DC?

    I didn't think so.
    The flag represents the GOVERNMENT.

    We the People are not represented by this evil government
    We can't even stop the illegal wars of aggression.

    Wake up folks.
    This is mind control.
    Flags are for militaries.

    I for one, do NOT support this government or its military.


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