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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Politico Fires Writer After She Suggests Trump Is Having Sex With Ivanka

Julia Ioffe, a former contributing writer for Politico Magazine who will be joining The Atlantic as a reporter in January, suggested Wednesday on Twitter that President-elect Donald Trump is having sex with his daughter Ivanka.

Politico told The Daily Caller that the tweet accelerated the timeline of her departure, and that Ioffe is no longer with the publication, effective “immediately.”

“This tweet is completely unacceptable and is an obvious violation of POLITICO standards,” a Politico source told TheDC. “Julia Ioffe is no longer with the publication.”

Ioffe tweeted out a link of a news report saying Ivanka will be using office space in the White House typically reserved for the first lady and commented, “Either Trump is fucking his daughter or he’s shirking nepotism laws. Which is worse?”

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  1. I hope that stupid woman doesn't get to work at her new job. She should be banned from ever working in the media again. Some things are fair game but that is going way out of line.

  2. That now-worthless sheepskin from that expensive Journalism college will look real good on the dashboard of the cab she'll be driving.

  3. The Dems will stop at nothing...

  4. So disgusting..these liberals are some of the lowest pond scum..she should never be able to work as a journalist again.It's one thing to write some ignorant stuff tongue and cheek. But to accuse someone of incest even jokinly is sick!!!

  5. Atlantic used to be a good read. I haven't subscribed in many years and if this is the kind of drivel they plan to print, rest assured they will not be found in my mailbox.

  6. Keep Bill Clinton away from her......
    and Weiner too .........


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