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Friday, December 30, 2016

Police use of Tasers down in Maryland, up in Baltimore

The small girl waving the large butcher's knife was terrifying her mother.

But Radiance Pittman's terror quickly turned to panic when her bipolar 14-year-old daughter — still dressed in her school uniform — stopped threatening to cut herself and started threatening the police officers who had cornered her in the kitchen of her Baltimore home.

So when the sudden crack and pulsing buzz of a Taser erupted in the crowded kitchen and sent two electrified darts at the girl, Pittman instinctively screamed, "Nooo!"

She believed the officers she had called to help the distraught teen had shot her instead.



  1. "They need to do better," said Tessa Hill-Aston, president of the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP. "They should not be Tasing people just because they get mad when someone is not doing what the police are asking them to do.""

    The police aren't asking you to drop that weapon, they're ordering you to drop it. They're not mad, just insistent.

  2. I say we go back to shooting them
    They are going to complain either way
    Guess they would rather die than be tased .
    Just what do they want officers to do? Stop responding

  3. No, incapacitation devices, when used correctly. One day they'll be replaced by something else, like a phaser on stun setting.

  4. Baltimore is the next Chicago in the making if we continue to make our policing ineffective.


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