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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Pelosi’s daughter leads effort to block Trump through Electoral College

The accusations of Russian interference in the November presidential election have provided a last-minute lifeline for the long-shot effort to head off Donald Trump at the Electoral College.

Ten electors, led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Christine Pelosi, demanded Monday an intelligence briefing on Russian interference by Monday, when the Electoral College makes the vote official.

Flipping the Electoral College seems to be the only hope left for Trump opponents. Recount efforts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have backfired.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee urged Trump opponents to participate in a protest scheduled for all 50 state capitols Monday aimed at persuading electors to cast their ballots for someone other than the Republican real estate mogul.

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  1. Pelosi go away .... you been in Congress TOOOOO long

    Go join the Clinton Foundation and get your daughter a job !

  2. Trump WON >>> we American Votors WON !!! it was FUN !!!

    Let's Impeach Pelosi instead !!! She just like Hillary

    Trump is Not going anywhere but to the White House

    Get Used to It !!!! We don't need her daughter either

  3. Where do the members of the Electoral College get the idea that they are due an intelligence briefing before they vote? I say lock their butts up for contempt of Congress.

  4. Her daughter can run with Clinton's Chelsi in about 50 yrs

  5. She is a fine example of why WE NEED 2 TERM LIMITS
    for Congress .Senate . Supreme Court

    Make it Law Now >>> first 30 days in office Mr Trump !!!

  6. So she backs a criminal for president,rich.

  7. As Hillary said, if he gets elected they're going to hang from nooses. What she didn't say is that those nooses are the ones they created for themselves.

  8. Hopefully Hillary will be arrested and charged some day if not it's a sad time here in the US when justice is for some and not all.

  9. Just when you thought one Pelosi was enough and that it couldn't go on too much longer...

  10. They come from a long line of criminals.

  11. 1241 - YEPPERS! Term Limits are long overdue for OUR country!

  12. Does she look like her crab eyed mom ?

  13. Another Pelosi in politics. Give me a break.Why don't they just go away and except what the people want.


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