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Thursday, December 22, 2016

O'Reilly: The Left Wants to Take Power Away From 'White Establishment'

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly said liberals are against the Electoral College because they want the "white establishment" to lose power.

In his "Talking Points" segment Tuesday night on "The O'Reilly Factor," he said that without the Electoral College, the only votes that count would be those in large states.

"If the Electoral College were abolished, presidential candidates could simply campaign in the nation's largest states and cities — New York, LA, Chicago, Houston — and rack up enough votes to pretty much win any election.

"That's what the left wants," he continued. "That's what they want, because in the large urban areas and blue states like New York and California, minorities are substantial."

"Look at the landscape — Philadelphia, Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami — in all of these places, the minority vote usually goes heavily to the Democrats. Add to that New York City, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, you don't really have a national election anymore, do you? You have targeted populations."

O'Reilly said racism is behind the call to remove the Electoral College.

Racism against whites is a central tenet of liberal views, O'Reilly continued and "very few commentators will tell you that the heart of liberalism in America today is based on race.



  1. All you have to do is look and see how bad the inner cities are, then think about why they still vote for democrats. Seriously? Well, the GOP with it's opportunities for self improvement over welfare should win any American's heart. That's what America is all about.
    Welfare is nothing more than slavery to the party who gives.

  2. Never!! I'm ready to take power away from the left and if it means a Civil War I am good with that.

  3. O'Reilly is spot on about the Electoral College. It shows how wise the Founding Fathers were!


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