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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Oh, So NOW The Main Stream Media Is Begging To Gain Your Trust...

"What would you like to see in a newscast"?

You have an opinion, we know it! You give them to us every day on social media… but do you feel like your opinions are really being heard? 10News is looking for a select group of Visionaries to help us better understand what you are looking for in a television newscast. 

Publishers Notes: The Main Stream Media, (MSM) lied, delivered "fake news" and thought they were all powerful enough to convince Americans that Hillary was the answer and Trump was a racist, abused women and dozens of other harmful attacks. 

Now that Trump won, the MSM wants to know the TRUTH, something they know nothing about. They want YOU to tell them how they should do business. They want YOU to send videos, pictures and opinions so that THEY don't have to leave the building any more.

Here's what I can tell you on a local level. BIG advertisers called our local news outlets and told them to STOP ragging on Donald Trump, they refused. Today, MILLIONS of dollars worth of advertisers have cancelled their advertising with them, hence ALL of the commercials you are now seeing on WBOC & WMDT begging for advertisers. That's a fact Ladies & Gentlemen. 

These long term advertisers who dropped their business with WBOC & WMDT have put a major hurting on them. Oh sure, you'll see replacement advertisers for the short term but these smaller businesses simply cannot afford to run multiple ads each and every day like the ones who dropped out. 

Who knows, perhaps their requests to ask the public just what we're looking for in our news is a good thing though. I can recall the Daily Times making promises years ago that they'd do more local news and in depth reporting, they lied. In fact, they shrunk the paper, increased subscription rates through the roof and laid off tons of employees. 

The mere FACT that every single county on the entire Eastern Shore voted in favor of Donald Trump while they, (all of them) still continue to put out negative news about him should clearly tell you, they couldn't care less about what you think. 

As for their advertisers, do you people realize that us viewers MUTE the commercials and or fast forward right through them. I am always amazed on a daily basis at just how clueless these businesses are. They are throwing good money after bad money and need to get with the times. 


  1. How about exposing the truth?

  2. Most of the national news for WBOC is handed down by CBS. Same with WMPT with ABC calling the shots. If they were affiliated with FOX they could be more independent. But for real local news stick right here with SBYNEWS. For the most part they investigate before going to print.

  3. Long Live Sby News!!!!!!

    And i am blue collar thru and thru and I am also deplorable.

    Trump/Pence 2016

  4. This deplorable stopped watching CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley due to his slanted reporting against Trump.

  5. We don't need the MSM anymore we have learned to go around them.

  6. Even local fox doesn't report all the news they just play a game show. I never watch local advertiser don't bother I hope there is a way to tell that I'm not watching. Trump may be forgiving I'm not

  7. What I would like to know, is WHY did the MSM adore HRC and despise Mr. Trump? What was in it for each individual to support that criminal. I never have switched to the liberal crap until after we chose President-Elect Trump. Lots of people were talking about how the left were crying, etc. I went to the other side to check it out a couple of times and still do. Now I'm talking two or three times for only a minute or two. As soon as I tuned in, they were bashing Trump and looked depressed or out of their tree. Only observed this a few minutes. The main actor was a fruit that goes by Anderson Cooper, I think and females that I couldn't listen to long enough to get a name. Pure and sure pitiful.


  8. Not really on this thread but,

    Daily Times the other day had brief article where Mike Dunn wants pay commission appointed to see if mare and council should get paid like they're running a $57 million business.

    Snake in the weeds.


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