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Friday, December 30, 2016

OC: Five face charges in sexual assault

After an investigation that carried into the fall, the Ocean City Police Department has released details of a Memorial Day weekend sexual assault that involved five men attacking a 17-year-old girl in a midtown hotel room.

Charges were filed for the suspects in late November.

The investigation began after June 14, when a Worcester County Sheriff’s deputy arrested Erick Humberto Ramirez, 20, of Silver Spring, Maryland on drug charges and police confiscated his cell phone.

On it, deputies found a number of video recordings showing five men, including Ramirez, assaulting an unconscious girl.

Detectives were able to identify Ronaldo Emmanuel Ramirez, 19, and Elmer Enrique Casco-Hernandez, 20 of Silver Spring and Kevin Jonathan Caceres, 20 and Anthony Benjamin Alvarenga, 20, of Rockville, Maryland as the four men in the video.

The videos show the suspects undressing the victim and assaulting her. Other clips show Ronaldo Ramirez allegedly raping the girl.



  1. All of them have funny last names.
    I've never heard of these last names.

  2. MS13 gang members. Get on the ball SPD.

    1. First of all who said they're gang members. What they did is horrendous. But that has nothing to do with nationality. Matter of fact they're all US citizens. How do you feel about your comment now stupid

  3. What does SPD have to do with arrests in OC?

  4. Why do the need 24+ letters in their names??????

  5. Deport the bums. Send them to Iraq or Syria.

  6. @ 2:38pm Because el' Mexicano's never spell it the same way twice. Si?

  7. They should cut their genitals off.

  8. These are the criminals and thugs that like Donald Trump said Mexico sends us. They very well could be legal and that is scarier then if they were illegals. Jan 20th can't get here soon enough. God sent Donald Trump to undo the mess the filthy evil liar has done.

  9. Free rondo anthony a snitch

  10. FREE RON. idgaf what ANYONE say.

  11. I was the manager of 2 of those guys and believed me they are NOT MS13 or criminals, they were 2 stupids kids who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, people before you judge other remember that you have kids and something like this could happen to you when you less expect, things was not like the story said, i know Anthony and he was the best kid i never meet and now he is on the jail for something he never did, this is really sad to me.


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