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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Obama's Protection Does Little to Ease Women's Health Fears

Like much of the president's policies, his most recent rule on funding for abortion providers may not matter once Donald Trump takes the White House.

To reduce the impact that Republican lawmakers can have on abortion, President Obama is using protection. With the stroke of a pen last week, he finalized a rule that will prohibit states from withholding federal funding from clinics just because they offer abortions.

But while advocates of women's health and reproductive rights celebrated Obama’s move, most still fear how abortion clinics will weather a Trump administration.

“We are deeply concerned that there will be nothing stopping the new Congress from disproving the new rule," said Audrey Sandusky, communications director for the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association. "They only need a simple majority to block it, and we believe this regulation is one that Congress will."



  1. What Trump needs to do is 'enhance' the turd's protection by requiring an accounting of all funds with the intent of demonstrating that NO federal funds were used for any form of existence termination.

  2. He already said he wanted to the decision to be on a state level.
    Educate yourself.


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