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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Obama says racism in U.S. surfaces in ‘violent opposition’ to programs to help minorities

In an exit interview on race relations during his two terms, President Obama said racism is evident to him when Americans suddenly voice opposition to long-standing federal programs “as soon as African-Americans or Latinos are interested in availing themselves” of the benefits.

“I’m careful not to attribute any particular resistance or slight or opposition to race,” Mr. Obama said in the interview published Tuesday in The Atlantic.

After eight years in office, the nation’s first black president said he’s not sure how much of the opposition to him by Republicans can be attributed to racism, and how much of it was simply partisanship.

“I do remember watching Bill Clinton get impeached and Hillary Clinton being accused of killing Vince Foster,” he said. “And if you ask them, I’m sure they would say, ‘No, actually what you’re experiencing is not because you’re black, it’s because you’re a Democrat.’ ”

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  1. Cry me a river BO! What a fruit loop this thing has turned out to be. It is not because you are a democrat. It is because it is democrats that think it is ok to cause and then lie about Americans dying for political purposes. It is because you are ok with oppressing entire groups of people and lie about how you are helping them. It is about acting like you care when even my 9 year old can see right through you. It is not because you are black or democrat. It is because you are simply a very bad person.

  2. Obama should just shut up and go away
    He has set this country back Fifty years in race relations.
    Worse president in history, even worse than Jimmy Carter
    His only legacy will be the pending demise of America as we knew it
    unless it is saved and rebuilt. It may be too late?

  3. He's personally responsible for setting race relations back at least into the likes we had in the "70's. The Clinton's deserve whatever comes their way. When you lie, cheat, and steal your way thru the political system it makes no difference in you're a Democrat or Republican.....a rat is just a rat!

  4. Can he Not race bait at least one day he's in office..he's the new Jesse Jackson nowadays.

  5. Coming from the same guy that advertised free food stamps in Mexico.

  6. Your fired. You racist.


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