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Thursday, December 08, 2016

Obama Reminds Troops They Have the Right to 'Protest Against Authority' and 'Criticize Our President'

In a speech at MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, President Obama focused on his eight-year effort to protect the homeland, fight terrorism, and strengthen U.S. allies. He said he wanted to "talk about the foundation that we will leave for the next administration."

On the way to Florida, Obama's spokesman Josh Earnest said told reporters, "This is a speech that President Obama was prepared to give before the election." But at times, it didn't sound like it.

At one point, Obama reminded the troops "that each of us has...the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that's open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution."


[Really? Isn't that what got a pretty good-sized group of Generals fired over the past 8 years? ---Editor]


  1. That man is such a creep!

  2. It's obvious that his intent is to further weaken the military, just as he did when firing the senior brass.

  3. Oh they do now he's on his way out. Remember someone calling him a liar a few years back in the house? He looked like he could smell sh!t but couldn't find it and Pelosi almost fainted because someone dared to question her Nubian prince.
    Hypocritical terrorist sympathizing two faced sack of monkey sh!t.

  4. He is so mad he couldnt create a Marshall Law, man he did his best, having cops killed - pushing racism, he nearly destroyed us while playing golf and taking vacations. Just couldnt finish it off...

  5. Commissioned Officers are NOT allowed to criticize the president in even the slightest degree! They serve at the pleasure of the president - says so on their commission!

  6. Obama doesn't know that he has no respect from the Military. Still acting like a Third World dictator. Maybe he should be drug tested.

  7. You can bet my son, grandson and son-in-law, all of whom are serving in the military and almost all of the other members of the military, haven't bought his BS for the past 8 years.

  8. Talking about protest against authority should protest against his a.. and he had leader of blm which are retards need to be ran over if blocking a road but anyway he has room to talk and has terrorist repeataly coming to white house

  9. pres Osama never met a terrorist he didn't like

  10. Most un-american and divisive president EVER!


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