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Monday, December 19, 2016

No-religion 'Nativity' display gets OK for Iowa Capitol

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, which claims more than 24,500 members nationwide, is establishing a secular display in the Iowa Capitol Rotunda to counter a traditional Christmas Nativity scene installed by Christians.

"It is inappropriate to have a sectarian religious display in the heart of state government," said Dan Barker, the organization's co-president. "We'd much prefer that the seat of government be free from religion — and irreligion. But if a devotional Nativity display is allowed, there must be 'room at the inn' for all points of view, including irreverence and free thought."

The no-religion display is scheduled to be installed at 11 a.m. Saturday and remain in place until Dec. 28. Tami Wiencek, a spokeswoman for the Iowa Department of Administrative Services, confirmed Friday that state officials have granted permission for the alternative display in the Capitol Rotunda. "We are treating everyone the same," she said.

Similar displays have been placed at other state capitols by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The no-religion display is a response to a manger scene installed at the Iowa Capitol on Monday, which depicts the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago. The Thomas More Society, a religious liberties legal group, has signed a contract with the Department of Administrative Services that spells out how the display will be handled. Supporters of the Christmas display said expressions of religious faith have been "somewhat frozen out of the public square" and the Nativity scene is an expression of free speech.



  1. 24,500 worldwide members. if they don't celebrate Christmas there is no need for a display in December because that month means nothing to them. it is time we stop coddling to a very few people like they are some worldwide organization. Merry Christmas and God Bless

  2. 24,500 members out of a US population of about 326,000,000 people.. let's see.. that's about

    .007% of the population.

    For the sake of argument (which will surely follow when the troll sees this), let's say that each member represents about 100 like-minded people..

    so that's about seven-tenths of one percent of the population.. .7% who are trying to tell the rest of us that we cannot celebrate Christmas in a public area because it hurts their feelings (irreparably)

    Oh my.

  3. So, according to 10:52 and 11:14, might equals right?

    If I'm not mistaken one of the reasons the Bill of Rights was penned was to protect a minority from the injustices of a majority.

    The law is the law, and the Establishment Clause is the law.

  4. Again, the tail wags the dog.

  5. They are welcome to display their ignorance. Freedom of religion is not freedom FROM religion, unless you CHOOSE not to believe.

  6. I'm a Republican and very conservative I believe in GOD and I believe Jesus was our savior BUT I also believe that religion is very personal and religious displays do not belong on government property. My problem is that I worry about what will happen when the ACLU decides to back some Muslim group that also wants to put up some kind of display or some other radical group that claims to be a religion. I feel there are plenty of businesses and other types of private property that could display the true meaning of Christmas just as well and we could avoid all the hatred that has no place in Christianity.

  7. @12:01

    Fortunately, the law and the courts disagree with you.

    I will also argue that you cannot CHOOSE what you believe. You either do, or don't believe something. A decision is formed based on the facts and information available. This isn't choosing.

  8. Shame on another vocal minority in Iowa.

  9. Dave T: Atheist garbage -- but a good joke to the point -- What do you call a dead atheist? Answer -- All dressed up with no place to go!

  10. You do realize that They are promoting a religion right!! The Statue of Liberty is a pagan satanic symbol look it up!! Keep on believing the crap these idiots put out. Do your homework. The progressive liberal agenda is a religion that believes in satan. They would have no problem placing a jackboot in Jesus's face. Which they Kinda did with that joke of a display.

  11. You do realize that They are promoting a religion right!! The Statue of Liberty is a pagan satanic symbol look it up!! Keep on believing the crap these idiots put out. Do your homework. The progressive liberal agenda is a religion that believes in satan. They would have no problem placing a jackboot in Jesus's face. Which they Kinda did with that joke of a display.


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