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Friday, December 30, 2016

New Rule Uses Social Security Records to Block Second Amendment Rights

The Social Security Administration, or SSA, issued a new rule that will block certain Social Security beneficiaries from buying guns. The new policy will classify these beneficiaries as “mental defectives” receiving disability insurance or Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, benefits. This new policy is in-line with the White House’s promise to deliver new gun control policies through executive action.

The rule was proposed back in May of this year and will take effect on Jan. 18, 2017. The controversial new policy is part of the White House’s Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer plan.

“On Monday, Barack Obama’s SSA issued the final version of a rule that will doom tens of thousands of law-abiding (and vulnerable) disability insurance and SSI recipients to a loss of Second Amendment rights under the guise of re-characterizing them as ‘mental defectives,'” explains the NRA-ILA. “The SSA, for the first time in its history, will be coopted into the federal government’s gun control apparatus, effectively requiring Social Security applicants to weigh their need for benefits against their fundamental rights when applying for assistance based on mental health problems.”

“The Social Security rule is the final version of a proposal that we reported on earlier this year,” reads the statement. “Public outcry against the proposed rule was fierce, and the comment period drew over 91,000 responses, the vast majority of them opposing the plan.”



  1. The government must disarm the population prior to the economic collapse.
    It is imperative.

  2. Obama should leave quietly but instead he is try to muddy the waters to put Trump in bad situations before he leaves just like with the Russia thing. Obama is just trying to screw Trump.

  3. "...public outcry was fierce...." and "the vast majority of them opposing the plan."
    But our "leaders", representing us so well, decided THEY knew what was best for us.
    Start the hanging before these rats disappear into the cesspool from which they rose.
    Nazi bastids

  4. no problem. there is always the black market, DIY videos on building your own firearms (with no serial numbers), theft, and a hundred other ways. these laws do nothing to affect anyone other than legal gun owners. and the ones who are not "allowed" to own, possess, sell, etc, laugh at them every time they pass new laws or expand current ones. while the "legal" owners go through more hoops, pay more fees, fill out more paperwork, etc. etc. etc.

    what part of shall not be infringed do they not understand?


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