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Friday, December 23, 2016

‘Neutral’ Snopes Fact-Checker David Emery: ‘Are There Any Un-Angry Trump Supporters?’

Snopes fact checker and staff writer David Emery posted to Twitter asking if there were “any un-angry Trump supporters?”

Emery, a writer for partisan “fact-checking” website Snopes.com which soon will be in charge of labelling “fake news” alongside ABC News and Politifact, retweeted an article by Vulture magazine relating to the protests of the Hamilton musical following the decision by the cast of the show to make a public announcement to Vice-president elect Mike Pence while he watched the performance with his family.

The tweet from Vulture magazine reads, “#Hamilton Chicago show interrupted by angry Trump supporter.” Emery retweeted the story, saying, “Are there un-angry Trump supporters?”



  1. Dave T: Are there any hard core liberals who aren't totally stupid? That's enough to keep most normal people angry after watching a group of idiots pretending to be leaders for 8 long years.

  2. I guess I would be classified as a Deplorable angry old man and wear it proudly. I've not be so happy in eight years and look forward to smiling more in the coming years. I really feel good when I think of the left wing politicians, media, celebrities, and every day dummies. If that makes me a bad person....I'm bad to the bone.

  3. I'm not angry at Trump at all...
    The dumbocrats and the current government, yes!

    Now, maybe you know how Trump got elected!

  4. We're not angry, we're determined.

  5. Hamilton sucked it's propped up by tax dollars.


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