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Thursday, December 22, 2016

NC fails to repeal 'bathroom bill' that limits LGBT protection

A deal has fallen apart to undo the North Carolina law known as the "bathroom bill" in a sign of the state's bitter political divide.

The state's legislature was called into a special session Wednesday to consider repealing the law known as HB2 after months of pressure, including lost jobs and canceled sporting events and concerts.

But the Republican-controlled legislature showed once again that it preferred to go its own way.



  1. NC is looking better all the time as an alternative to this lunatic left state.

    1. I moved to chapel hill a few months ago when my wife was transferred for work. We love it down here. People are incredibly friendly, cost of living is cheaper, weather is a little better. Not to sound racist but in my experience the black people are friendlier than the white people, which I was not expecting. 9/10 times they will hold doors for you, make eye contact and say hi or wave. Coming from western Delaware they were all kind of assholes there.

  2. Women and children deserve protection.

  3. Of all the problems and issues in our country in general, and North Carolina in particular, and the most time and effort is wasted on telling people which bathroom to use? This is what happens when people rely on government.


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