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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

MUST WATCH: Fox News Chris Wallace dismantles Jill Stein in this amazing Sunday interview


  1. Dr. of what? What a loud mouth jerk, and that represents education? My, my, my.

  2. I voted for Trump and he will be our next president BUT I don't like those touch screen voting machines that don't even show on the screen who I voted for. I think Jill Stine makes a good argument but is going about it the wrong way.

  3. Why would she be concerned with the American voters voice being heard when less than 1% of that voice voted for her. It is of my opinion that unless you will directly affected by the recount you should not be able to demand a recount. If Hillary Clinton would have asked for a recount I would have accepted that. Jill Stein is doing nothing short of bilking frustrated Democrats for future campaign money. separate account my *ss !

  4. Follow the money, works every time.

  5. Bet ya in a few years she becomes the democratic candidate... there is a pay off for her in the future I am sure!

  6. Yes he did and I enjoyed every minute of it.


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