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Monday, December 26, 2016

Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every 'major building'

Students at the University of Maryland have released a list of 64 demands in their effort make the campus more amenable to "Marginalized, American Indian, Black, Latinx, LGBTQIA+, Muslim, Pro-Palestine, and Undocumented" students.

Muslim students, for instance, want “one room in each major building designated for prayer” and “shuttle services to [the local mosque] for Muslim students to have access to a place of worship.”


  1. Up Theirs - GO FREAKING HOME!

  2. Do we offer this for others?
    If not why should we for select groups?
    Get a grip. Life goes on.

  3. I agree. We should have a prayer room in every building, along with a billiard room, a smoking room, a bar room, a changing room, etc.. Why should we have classrooms at a college?

  4. This is how insidious this culture is....like a virus. We need close the borders and send these future terrorists home. Yes, I'm sure you libtards are going to have a field day with this one, but I was a Marine in Gulf 1. There is no middle ground for Western culture and Arabic culture. Send them packing.

  5. Give them a prayer room and put the LGBT meeting room right next door.

  6. And I want a shuttle bus to every church/synagogue religious facility within a 50 mile radius.. a prayer room in every building for the religion of every student ever enrolled at tge school...all students must learn about every religion and be forced to respect the holidays of every single religion in the world....

  7. Students DEMANDING? With a list no less - aint that a hoot! Just you students wait until you receive a taste of the real life - AFTER COLLEGE!

    I'd love to be there to see the looks on your faces when reality slaps you silly!!!

  8. Would you complain if this were a church?

  9. I remember demanding hostess cupcakes for the rest of my life.
    After 50+ years, I'm still waiting!!!

    Kids today, they are so silly! Its sad because they are our future too!

  10. Student "Demands". who runs this joint. pray in your room

  11. 9:46
    Call it a safe room and make them share it.

  12. F*** them! How about a cross in front of every school. Yeah, that will go over like a fart in church!

  13. And they are making these "demands" while we taxpayers are paying their way thru college. This crap must stop now. Andy Harris, step forward please.

  14. let thewm use te bathroom stalls so they don't infringe on my christian beliefs by watching them pray to a religion that is detrimental to the principals this country was founded on

  15. 10:02 this is 9:46, even better idea.

  16. This would be a violation of the so-called wall between church and state. Would be in court immediately.

    1. Schools are not churches.

    2. They receive tax money just like public schools, which are also "not government"

  17. Non-denominational will do for ALL!

  18. No demands should be met. period...imagine if Christians went to their countries and 'demanded' a separate chapel for us to worship, pray or meditate...laughable until they cut our heads off. do you understand what I'm saying...the answer for these Muslims is NO!!!

  19. “I think [these demands] are ridiculously easy [to accomplish],” said Muslim Student Association member Khaled Nurhssien told The Diamondback.

    And they're all ridiculously easy to ignore and forget.

    Let the local mosques provide transportation. Pray wherever you happen to be at prayer time; pray standing, sitting, walking, running, kneeling and lying down; God doesn't have a preference -- that was put upon you by clerics.

  20. Gov. Hogan, please don't give into these demands or allow the funding for such unjustified demands. Pray in your room, the real God doesn't care where you offer up a prayer.

  21. I want a christian prayer room also in every public school.

  22. I guess I'm ok with paying some extra Maryland taxes so they can accommodate this reasonable request. Yesterday, I paid 46 cents to Maryland because I ate lunch at Hardee's. I guess if I had to pay 76 cents for my lunch, I might be Ok with it?

    How about the rest of you?

    1. You are absolutely what is wrong with this society. Please move to Canada. We don't won't you here you freakin socialist.

    2. I think thats called sarcasm...

  23. Dave T: How utterly ridiculous, and let me guess, so soft, coward, school administrator will certainly legitimize this crap. Yea, I'll give all of you muslim scum bags a place to worship - it's a called a parking lot. And I'd put you right next to the dumpster with all the other garbage. Send that to your allah you scum bag cowards !

  24. How about they just pray outside...Why does it have to be inside?

  25. 9:52. I bet you would!

  26. How about all of the Muslims that want these changes, just leave this country. I know that I won't miss any of them.

  27. What's next, free camel parking?

  28. I would stand outside and eat my bacon sandwich...it's a free country.

  29. Wait - they took prayer out of schools right? Separation of church and state - that is their answer. It's a big NO.

  30. Does anyone else want this barbaric scourge of a cult removed from America?

  31. The school will of course give in to their demands, to do otherwise would not be politically correct.

  32. 9:52 Yes we would complain if this were a church. Because you are suppose to go to college to learn. If you want to worship you go to a church not a college. I really don't mind legal immigrants. But we draw the line at bending over backwards to appease their every wish. If they don't like our colleges they go home and go to school there. But we should not be assimilating to their culture. They should be getting with the program and trying to fit in to our life style. If they don't like that tell them to go the h--l home.

  33. Then i WILL DEMAND a christian room also.

  34. Fire up the C 141s and send them back to where they came from!!!!!!!

  35. Everyone wants a special place. I can pray sitting beside the idiots and they wouldn't know it. I don't need room to sprawl all over the floor, beating my forehead on the dirty floor.

  36. You would be better demanding a seat, when there is standing room only on that bus, out of this country.

  37. Send pigs in with them.....oink....oink

  38. Lets get that 300lb pentagram that was knocked down and put it up next to the prayer room. Fair is fair and the devil must have his or her or ze or its transgender or asexual due. If Muslims want to live here fine, but you must be peaceful if you want to live here with us in Crazy town


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